As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to the communities surrounding the project, BEL is committed to developing a sustainable CSR program. In the early 2020, BEL has held series of sacred Hindu ceremonies, namely MELASPAS (RESIGANA), MECARUDURGA, NYAKAP KARANG AND MANCA KELUD and the peak of the ceremonies was held on 7 April 2020 at the Bedugul Geothermal Power Plant Area. The purpose of this sacred Hindu ceremony is for sacred offerings and requests to God Almighty to clean the protected forest area in Bedugul from negative things with the existence of Bedugul Geothermal Power Plant project. So that the area is clean in both reality and spiritually bonded with the Protectors of the area. Furthermore, in the 1st and 2nd quarter of 2020, BEL has built several holy places in the form of Temples for GOD IDA BETARA SIWA, GOD IDA BETARA BUDHA, GOD IDA BETARA BESUKI, GOD IDA BETARA GANESHA and GOD HANOMAN.